Mobile phone’s history

In present , mobile has became our essnetial need .In todays world we cant live without our cell phone . we have became a mobile addicted worldwide nation. This small device benifits us in thousand ways but we also have to admit that it also has some disadvantages.Now without wasting your much I am just moving towards the topic yes “The history of mobile phone” here I’ll try to give you all available knowledge which I have.


First mobile in history

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the first comercially available cell phone.It wasnt      available until 1983 , but its begining tracked back to 1973 when the company showed off a prototype of what would become the world’s first mobile phone.And it weighed almost a kilogram,providing one hour of battery life and stored 30 phones number inits phonebook.


First built-in camera phone(Samsung SCH-V200)

The first cell phone with a built-in camera was manufactured by Samsung and released in South Korea in June of 2000. The SCH-V200 flipped open to reveal a 1.5-inch TFT-LCD, and the built-in digital camera was capable of taking 20 photos at 350,000-pixel resolution, which is 0.35-megapixels, but you had to hook it up to a computer to get your photos. The camera and the phone components were essentially separate devices housed in the same body.
